interface UIMapSettings
Map display settings.
abstract fun loadDefaultStyle(): Unit
Loads the style with the default URL based on |
abstract fun setStyleJson(styleJson: String!): Unit
Sets the JSON content of the style used to display the map and reloads the style asynchronously. NOTE: This is an asynchronous operation. The user of this API needs to ensure that no methods of the StyleSettings interface are called before the style is reloaded. TomtomMapCallback.OnMapChangedListener.onDidFinishLoadingStyle is called when reloading the style is finished. An OnMapChangedListener can be registered using TomTomMap.addOnMapChangedListener. abstract fun setStyleJson(styleJson: String!, layerSetConfiguration: LayerSetConfiguration!): Unit
Sets the JSON content of the style used to display the map and reloads the style asynchronously with the custom |
abstract fun setStyleUrl(styleUrl: String!): Unit
Sets the URL to the style used to display the map and reloads the style asynchronously. NOTE: This is an asynchronous operation. The user of this API needs to ensure that no methods of the StyleSettings interface are called before the style is reloaded. TomtomMapCallback.OnMapChangedListener.onDidFinishLoadingStyle is called when reloading the style is finished. An OnMapChangedListener can be registered using TomTomMap.addOnMapChangedListener. abstract fun setStyleUrl(styleUrl: String!, layerSetConfiguration: LayerSetConfiguration!): Unit
Sets the URL to the style used to display the map and reloads the style asynchronously with a custom |
open class MapView : FrameLayout, UiComponentsLayer, UIMapSettings
A view used to display a map. When you want to use this view directly, you need to pass forward all life cycle methods to this class (e.g. onPause, onResume). |
interface StyleSettings : Style, UIMapSettings
Advanced settings for style manipulation. To obtain this interface, call |
interface UiSettings : UIMapSettings, Persistable
Settings for manipulating map settings related to UI (e.g. styling). To obtain this interface, call |