open class Default : TrafficFlowBalloonViewAdapter
Default implementation of traffic view balloon adapter.
Default implementation of traffic view balloon adapter. |
open fun findBestTrafficFlow(trafficFlowMapBalloon: TrafficFlowMapBalloon): Optional<TrafficFlow!>! |
open fun getLayout(mapPoint: MapPoint, balloon: TrafficFlowMapBalloon): Int
Layout which will be used to inflate balloon model. |
open fun getRoadType(context: Context, trafficFlow: TrafficFlow): String!
Generate string representation the tag value describes the road type. |
open fun getSpecialRoadInfo(context: Context, trafficFlow: TrafficFlow): String!
Generate string to describe the tag presence indicates the existence of one of the following: bridge, tunnel, skyway, ferry by boat (ferry), ferry by rail (rail). If the tag is not present, then the road is a regular road. |
open fun getTollRoadType(context: Context, trafficFlow: TrafficFlow): String
Generate string to describe the type of toll road related with traffic. |
open fun getTrafficCoverageInfo(context: Context, trafficFlow: TrafficFlow): Spanned
Generate string representation the tag value which describes the traffic road coverage. |
open fun getTrafficLevel(trafficFlow: TrafficFlow): String
Generate string to describe the level of traffic. |
open fun onBindView(view: View, mapPoint: MapPoint, balloonModel: TrafficFlowMapBalloon): Unit |
open fun onCreateView(container: ViewGroup, mapPoint: MapPoint, balloonModel: TrafficFlowMapBalloon): View! |