sdk-maps-ui-extensions / / ArrowButtonsGroup / <init>


ArrowButtonsGroup(context: Context!)

Default constructor that uses context to inflate this layout, init views, and listeners for every arrow button.


context - Context!: View context.

ArrowButtonsGroup(context: Context!, attrs: AttributeSet!)

Custom constructor that uses context to inflate this layout, init views and listeners for every arrow button. This constructor also gives ability to provide custom set of attributes.


context - Context!: view context.

attrs - AttributeSet!: set of custom attributes.

ArrowButtonsGroup(context: Context!, attrs: AttributeSet!, defStyleAttr: Int)

Custom constructor that uses context to inflate this layout, init views and listeners for every arrow button. This constructor also gives ability to provide custom set of attributes and a reference to default style resource.


context - Context!: view context.

attrs - AttributeSet!: set of custom attributes.

defStyleAttr - Int: attribute that contains a reference to a style resource, that supplies default values for styled attributes. Should be different than 0 in this constructor, otherwise use ArrowButtonsGroup#ArrowButtonsGroup(Context, AttributeSet).