sdk-maps-ui-extensions / / BasicCompassView / <init>


BasicCompassView(context: Context!)

Default constructor that uses context to initialize this view by loading image resource and setting up on click listener.


context - Context!: view context.

BasicCompassView(context: Context!, attrs: AttributeSet!)

Custom constructor that uses context to initialize this view by loading image resource and setting up on click listener. This constructor should be used to provide custom set of attributes.


context - Context!: view context.

attrs - AttributeSet!: set of custom attributes.

BasicCompassView(context: Context!, attrs: AttributeSet!, defStyleAttr: Int)

Custom constructor that uses context to initialize this view by loading image resource and setting up on click listener. This constructor should be used to provide custom set of attributes and a reference to default style resource.


context - Context!: view context.

attrs - AttributeSet!: set of custom attributes.

defStyleAttr - Int: attribute that contains a reference to a style resource, that supplies default values for styled attributes. Should be different than 0 in this constructor, otherwise use BasicCompassView#BasicCompassView(Context, AttributeSet).