Tabular Weather API

Service version: v1
Last edit: 2022.08.25

What is Tabular Weather?

TomTom’s tabular weather service is focused on the provisioning of real-time weather information for drivers. It provides both the current weather conditions and a forecast over multiple time periods, and supports multiple (linked) geographical areas for the reports.

This weather information is provided as:

Daily Weather Information

Hourly Weather Information

Weather DescriptionWeather Description
Max TemperatureTemperature
Min TemperatureWind Speed
Wind SpeedWind Direction
Wind DirectionPrecipitation Amount
Precipitation AmountPrecipitation Probability
Precipitation ProbabilitySunshine Probability
Sunshine ProbabilityUV Index
UV IndexPerceived Temperature
Thunderstorm ProbabilityThunderstorm Probability
Sunrise TimeBarometric Pressure
Sunset TimeRelative Humidity

The preceding parameters will be provided where available.

Common use-cases you can implement

  • Inform the driver of the weather conditions at the destination location and/or selected locations.
  • Display the weather information for selected locations with icons that depict the real-time weather condition.
  • Weather information can be provided in a table and/or map format.
  • Weather information can be used to decide distance coverage for an EV vehicle.

Data analytics

  • Detect the impact of weather conditions on travel time, events, and incidents.
  • Enables data to analyse probabilities of weather changes in the near future, i.e., weather predictions.

Feature list

The TomTom Tabular Weather REST API provides bulk weather conditions information (current & forecasts) for display on your map view. The response is provided in a protobuf file for the whole world. You will need the .proto file to decode the weather data when you download it.