
public protocol Search

Defines common interface to provide search functionality.

  • This method provides the capability to search places and POIs meeting various criteria.



    func search(options: SearchOptions, completion: @escaping (Result<SearchResponse, Error>) -> ())
        -> Cancellable



    The SearchOptions structure to limit the results.


    The completion closure is called after the request response is processed. If no errors occurred, SearchResponse contains an array of search results and summary information. If cancellation is triggered, the completion returns a cancellation error. Sometimes, the completion may return with other work before acknowledging the cancellation.

    Return Value

    a Cancellable instance that provides control for request cancellation.

  • The Autocomplete Search feature can predict what a user is searching. The prediction is based on what they have already typed into the search field. It can identify entities within a user’s input and suggest them as potential search queries. This feature optimizes the accuracy of the search results by offering relevant suggestions and completing the user’s input.

    Use Autocomplete Search to elevate your application by delivering swift, error-free searches, thus enhancing efficiency. This feature also stimulates user exploration, fostering engagement.

    Example of an Autocomplete request to query “mar” for Amstardam in 100-km radius:

    let options = AutocompleteOptions(
        query: "mar",
        position: .AMSTERDAM,
        radius: Measurement(value: 100, unit: .kilometers)
    search.autocomplete(options: options) { result in
        if case let .success(response) = result {
            print("Autocomplete suggestions for query: \(response.summary.query)")
            response.results.forEach { result in
                result.segments.forEach { segment in
                    switch segment {
                    case .brand(let brand):
                        print("\( - brand")
                    case .poiCategory(let category):
                        print("\( - category")
                    case .plainText(let text):
                        print("\(text.plainText) - text")
                    @unknown default:
     // Prints:
     //   Autocomplete suggestions for query: mar
     //   Market - category
     //   Marqt - brand
     //   Marina - category
     //   Marriott - brand



    func autocomplete(
        options: AutocompleteOptions,
        completion: @escaping (Result<AutocompleteResponse, Error>) -> ()
        -> Cancellable



    The AutocompleteOptions structure to make the results more relevant.


    The completion closure is called after the response to the request is processed. If no errors occurred, AutocompleteResponse contains proposed autocomplete elements, that can be used to implement an input field with the autocomplete feature. If cancellation is triggered, the completion returns a cancellation error. Sometimes, the completion may return with other work before acknowledging the cancellation.

    Return Value

    a Cancellable instance that provides control for request cancellation.

  • This method provides a full list of POI categories and subcategories together with their translations and synonyms. Additional POI category parameters like language can be taken into account using the POICategoryOptions.



    func requestPOICategories(
        options: POICategoryOptions,
        completion: @escaping (Result<POICategoryResponse, Error>) -> ()
        -> Cancellable



    The POICategoryOptions structure to limit the results.


    The completion closure is called after the response to the request is processed. If no errors occurred, POICategoryResponse contains an array of categories and subcategories together with their translations and synonyms. If cancellation is triggered, the completion returns a cancellation error. Sometimes, the completion may return with other work before acknowledging the cancellation.

    Return Value

    a Cancellable instance that provides control for request cancellation.

  • Provides detailed information about a POI based on its identifier (entityId).



    func requestPOIDetails(
        options: POIDetailsOptions,
        completion: @escaping (Result<TomTomSDKSearch.POIDetailsResponse, Error>) -> ()
    ) -> Cancellable



    Describes what POI Details data to request.


    The completion closure is called after the response to the request has been processed. If no errors occurred, PoiDetailsResponse contains the requested search result with POI info If cancellation is triggered, the completion returns a cancellation error. Sometimes, the completion may return with other work before acknowledging the cancellation.

    Return Value

    a Cancellable instance that provides control for request cancellation.

  • The Geometry Data API returns sets of coordinates that represent the outline of a city, country, or land area. The method supports batch requests of up to 20 identifiers.



    func requestGeometryData(
        options: GeometryDataOptions,
        completion: @escaping (Result<GeometryDataResponse, Error>) -> ()
        -> Cancellable



    Define geometries to request.


    Parameter completion: The completion closure is called after the response to the request is processed. If no errors occurred, GeometryDataResponse contains an array of geometries data structure. If cancellation is triggered, the completion returns a cancellation error. Sometimes, the completion may return with other work before acknowledging the cancellation.

    Return Value

    a Cancellable instance that provides control for request cancellation.

  • Asynchronously sends a feedback event for the search.



    func sendFeedback(feedbackEvent: FeedbackEvent, completion: ((Error?) -> ())?) -> Cancellable



    The feedback event.


    If an error occurred, completion is called with error. If cancellation is triggered, the completion returns a cancellation error. Sometimes, the completion may return with other work before acknowledging the cancellation.

    Return Value

    a Cancellable instance that provides control for request cancellation.

  • evSearch(options:completion:) Default implementation

    This method provides the capability to search EV charging stations meeting various criteria.

    Example of an evsearch request to query available charging stations for Amstardam in 1-km radius:

    let options = EVSearchOptions(geoBias: .AMSTERDAM, radius: .tt.meters(1000), status: .available)
    search.evSearch(options: options) { result in
        switch result {
        case let .failure(error):
        case let .success(response):


    This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.

    Default Implementation

    This method provides the capability to search EV charging stations meeting various criteria.


    This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.



    func evSearch(options: EVSearchOptions, completion: @escaping (Result<EVSearchResponse, Error>) -> ())
        -> Cancellable



    The EVSearchOptions structure to limit the results.


    The completion closure is called after the request response is processed. If no errors occurred, EVSearchResponse contains an array of search results. If cancellation is triggered, the completion returns a cancellation error.

    Return Value

    a Cancellable instance that provides control for request cancellation.