public protocol NavigationRouteTrackingStateUpdateObserver : Observer
An observer that receives route tracking state updates.
The information about the route state is represented by TomTomSDKNavigationEngines/RouteTrackingState
When the driver deviates or returns to the active route, the navigation engine sends route-tracking state updates to the observer.
To be notified about the route state update while navigating, first
implement the NavigationRouteTrackingStateUpdateObserver
class NavigationRouteTrackingStateUpdateObserverImpl: NavigationRouteTrackingStateUpdateObserver {
func didUpdateRouteTrackingState(routeTrackingState: RouteTrackingState) {
// Add code here that handles the route state update.
To start receiving route tracking state updates, become an observer using TomTomSDKNavigation/TomTomNavigation/addRouteTrackingStateUpdateObserver(_:)
To stop receiving route tracking state updates, remove the previously added observer using TomTomSDKNavigation/TomTomNavigation/removeRouteTrackingStateUpdateObserver(_:)
Reports that the driver is following the route or has deviated from the active route.
func didUpdateRouteTrackingState(routeTrackingState: RouteTrackingState)
The current route tracking state.