
public protocol NavigationDestinationArrivalObserver : Observer

An observer that receives navigation events of arrival at destination.

Destination arrival is detected by the TomTomSDKNavigationEngines/ArrivalDetectionEngine. On arrival detection, navigation continues in turn-by-turn mode until it’s stopped or switched into free-driving mode.

To be notified about the destination arrival event while navigating, first implement the NavigationDestinationArrivalObserver protocol:

class NavigationDestinationArrivalObserverImpl: NavigationDestinationArrivalObserver {
    func didArriveAtDestination(route: TomTomSDKRoute.Route) {
        // Add code here that handles arrival at a destination.

Then add this observer using addDestinationArrivalObserver(_:).

To stop receiving the destination arrival event, remove the observer using removeDestinationArrivalObserver(_:).