
public struct LineStyle : Equatable

Style of the line.


This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.
  • Initializes the line style.



    public init(
        lineWidths: [Double: Double],
        lineColors: [Double: UIColor],
        lineJoinType: LineJoinType = .round



    The line widths. In this dictionary, the key is the zoom level and the value is the line width in dps. Widths between neighboring zoom levels are linearly interpolated. This parameter must be a non-empty dictionary containing non-negative values for both the width and the zoom level where that width is used. To set a single value for all zoom levels, include a single entry with a key value in the range [0;22].


    The line colors. In this dictionary, the key is the zoom level and the value is the color for that zoom level. Colors between neighboring zoom levels are linearly interpolated. This parameter must be a non-empty dictionary containing non-negative keys. To set a single value for all zoom levels, include a single entry with a key value in the range [0;22].


    Line join type.

  • Line widths. In this dictionary, the key is the zoom level and the value is the line width in dps. Widths between neighboring zoom levels are linearly interpolated. This parameter must be a non-empty dictionary containing non-negative values for both the width and the zoom level where that width is used. To set a single value for all zoom levels, include a single entry with a key value in the range [0;22].



    public let lineWidths: [Double : Double]
  • The line colors. In this dictionary, the key is the zoom level and the value is the color for that zoom level. Colors between neighboring zoom levels are linearly interpolated. This parameter must be a non-empty dictionary containing non-negative keys. To set a single value for all zoom levels, include a single entry with a key value in the range [0;22].



    public let lineColors: [Double : UIColor]
  • Line join type.



    public let lineJoinType: LineJoinType