Package-level declarations

Includes the interface for the EV Search API, alongside associated options, response data classes and the callback interface.


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Callback that reports when a EvSearchResponse or SearchFailure has been received.

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class EvSearchOptions(val geoBias: GeoBias, @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100) val limit: Int = DEFAULT_LIMIT, val connectors: List<ConnectorType>? = null, val status: Status? = null, val minPower: Power? = null, val maxPower: Power? = null, val accessTypes: List<AccessType>? = null, val locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault())

Defines the parameters of an Electric Vehicle (EV) Search, used for EvSearchResult filtering.

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class EvSearchResponse(val results: List<EvSearchResult> = emptyList())

Response from the EV Search API.