
Used to inform the caller that the route tracking stage has been updated.

The RouteTrackingState consists of two lists of routes: one for routes that have been followed and another for routes that have not been followed.

The RouteTrackingState is updated with each location update.

In order to listen to RouteTrackingState updates, implement this interface to create a listener, for instance:

val routeTrackingStateUpdatedListener = RouteTrackingStateUpdatedListener { routeTrackingState ->
// Implement the necessary functionality for handling the updated route tracking state

Subsequently, add this listener using TomTomNavigation.addRouteTrackingStateUpdatedListener. To stop listening to the route tracking states updates, remove the listener using TomTomNavigation.removeRouteTrackingStateUpdatedListener.


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abstract fun onRouteTrackingStateUpdated(routeTrackingState: RouteTrackingState)

Called whenever RouteTrackingState has been updated.