Package-level declarations


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class ChargingDifference(val chargingTime: Duration, val numberOfChargingStops: Int)

Represents the difference between two charging times of routes.

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class ConsumptionDifference(val consumption: Consumption)

Represents the difference between two consumption amounts of routes.

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class LengthDifference(val length: Distance)

Represents the difference between two lengths of routes.

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abstract class RouteComparisonFailure

Represents the various failure reasons encountered during a route comparison.

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class RouteDifferences(val lengthDifference: LengthDifference, val timeDifference: TimeDifference, val chargingDifference: ChargingDifference, val consumptionDifference: ConsumptionDifference?, val sectionsDifferences: SectionsDifferences = SectionsDifferences())

Represents the differences between two routes.

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class SectionsDifference<T : Section>(val firstOnly: List<T> = listOf(), val secondOnly: List<T> = listOf())

Represents the difference between two lists of sections.

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class SectionsDifferences(val carTrains: SectionsDifference<CarTrainSection> = SectionsDifference(), val tolls: SectionsDifference<TollSection> = SectionsDifference(), val traffic: SectionsDifference<TrafficSection> = SectionsDifference(), val tollVignettes: SectionsDifference<TollVignetteSection> = SectionsDifference(), val motorways: SectionsDifference<MotorwaySection> = SectionsDifference(), val ferries: SectionsDifference<FerrySection> = SectionsDifference(), val tunnels: SectionsDifference<TunnelSection> = SectionsDifference(), val carpoolLanes: SectionsDifference<CarpoolSection> = SectionsDifference(), val lowEmissionZones: SectionsDifference<LowEmissionZoneSection> = SectionsDifference(), val unpavedRoads: SectionsDifference<UnpavedSection> = SectionsDifference(), val countries: SectionsDifference<CountrySection> = SectionsDifference(), val vehicleRestrictions: SectionsDifference<VehicleRestrictedSection> = SectionsDifference())

Represents the differences between the sections of two routes.

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class TimeDifference(val travelTime: Duration)

Represents the difference between two travel times of routes.


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Compares this route to a forking route and returns the differences between the two.