Package-level declarations


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Represents the auxiliary power consumption of either an electric or a combustion vehicle.

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value class ComputedAs

Determines if the route was computed as primary with regards to the given cost model, or if it is a path alternative, meaning a distinct path depending on the previous computed routes.

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Represents a consumed or remaining amount of fuel or electric energy.

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data class ForkPoint(val forkingRouteId: RouteId, val location: GeoPoint, val index: Int)

Represents information about a fork point.

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Represents the planning reason returned from the route planner.

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Indicates the side of the road at which a RouteStop is located.

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class Route

The route represents the result of the route planning including geometry and generated instructions.

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value class RouteId(val value: UniqueId = UniqueId())

A unique identifier of a Route.

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class RouteLeg(val points: List<GeoPoint>, val instructions: List<Instruction>, val summary: Summary, val mapReferences: MapReferences? = null)

Represents information about a part of a Route, made up of a list of GeoPoint points. Contains a list of Instructions for all the maneuvers along the route leg.

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data class RouteModificationHistory(val creation: RouteTimestamp, val lastUpdate: RouteTimestamp = creation)

Information about the route creation and the last update.

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A GeoPoint on the route together with its distance offset along the route, estimated travel time, and remaining fuel or energy.

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class RouteStop(val id: RouteStopId, val place: Place, val navigableCoordinates: List<GeoPoint>, val routeOffset: Distance, val roadSide: RoadSide? = null, val arrivalEnergy: Energy? = null, val chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null, val sourceType: RouteStop.SourceType = SourceType.UserDefined)

Represents a predetermined point on a route that is used as a reference point for navigation - Origin, Destination, Waypoint.

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value class RouteStopId(val value: UUID = UUID.randomUUID())

A unique identifier, used for matching RouteStop with ItineraryPoint.

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data class RouteTimestamp(val timestampInMillis: Long, val timeWithZone: Calendar)

Information about route creation or modification time.

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class Segment(val start: RoutePoint, val end: RoutePoint)

Represents a line between two RoutePoint.

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class Signpost(val exitNumber: TextWithPhonetics? = null, val exitName: TextWithPhonetics? = null, val towardName: TextWithPhonetics? = null)

The Signpost class contains information about the signpost for the Instruction.

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class Summary(val length: Distance, val travelTime: Duration, val trafficDelay: Duration = Duration.ZERO, val trafficLength: Distance = Distance.ZERO, val departureTimeWithZone: Calendar, val arrivalTimeWithZone: Calendar, val consumptionForWholeLength: Consumption? = null, val consumptionUpToReachableOffset: Consumption? = null, val remainingBudget: Consumption? = null, val reachableOffset: Distance? = null)

The route summary contains the high-level route data.

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Indicates a payment type accepted for a toll.


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Finds Segment at given distance along the route using binary search.