Package-level declarations
HorizonEngine: Interface to a Virtual Horizon engine, which provides location context data extending beyond the driver's visible horizon. Returns HorizonResult.
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Policy that defines a search distance for the main path.
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Interface to a Virtual Horizon engine.
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class HorizonOptions( val elementTypes: List<HorizonElementType>, val mainPathSearchOptions: MainPathSearchOptions = MainPathSearchOptions(), val subPathSearchOptions: List<SubPathSearchOptions> = listOf(), val numberOfPaths: Int = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PATHS)
Horizon configuration options.
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class HorizonResult(val options: HorizonOptions, val snapshot: HorizonSnapshot, val position: HorizonPosition)
Output of the horizon engine, consisting of:
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class MainPathSearchOptions( val searchTime: Duration = DEFAULT_MAIN_PATH_SEARCH_TIME, val searchDistancePolicy: PathSearchDistancePolicy = ExplicitDistancePolicy(
searchDistance =
Horizon search options for the main path.
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Horizon path search distance configuration.
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interface PathSearchDistancePolicy
Interface to the path search policy.
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Policy that binds the horizon path to the entire route.
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class SubPathSearchOptions( val searchTime: Duration = DEFAULT_SUB_PATH_SEARCH_TIME, val searchDistance: PathSearchDistance = PathSearchDistance(
Horizon search options for a sub-path level.