Package-level declarations


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Specifies if the vehicle should be subjected to ADR tunnel restrictions.

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data class AltitudeChangeEfficiency(val uphill: Ratio, val downhill: Ratio)

Specifies the ratio by which energy is converted for altitude changes.

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data class AltitudeChangeEnergy(val consumptionForAltitudeGain: ElectricConsumption, val recuperationForAltitudeLoss: ElectricConsumption)

Specifies the electric energy that is recovered or lost by altitude changes.

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interface CargoCapable

Trait interface for vehicles that may have restrictions due to load.

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data class ChargeLevel(val currentCharge: Energy, val maxCharge: Energy)

Specifies the capacity and current charge of the EV.

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data class ChargingConnector(val currentType: CurrentType, val plugTypes: List<ConnectorType>, val efficiency: Ratio = Ratio.unitRange(1), val baseLoad: Power = Power.ZERO, val maxPower: Power = Power.ZERO, val maxVoltage: Voltage = Voltage.ZERO, val maxCurrent: ElectricCurrent = ElectricCurrent.ZERO, val voltageRange: VoltageRange? = null)

Connector information of an electric engine.

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class ChargingInformation(val targetCharge: Energy, val chargingTime: Duration, val chargingParkUuid: UUID, val connectorDetails: ConnectorDetails, val chargingPower: Power? = null)

Specifies charging connection, staying time and other information about a charging stop.

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data class ChargingParameters(val batteryCurve: Map<Energy, Power>, val chargingConnectors: List<ChargingConnector>, val chargingTimeOffset: Duration = 180.seconds)

Charging information of an electric engine.

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data class CombustionEngine(val consumption: CombustionVehicleConsumption? = null, val efficiency: CombustionVehicleEfficiency? = null, val currentFuel: Volume? = null)

Describes the engine of a combustion vehicle.

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data class CombustionVehicleConsumption(val auxiliaryPower: FuelPerTime? = null, val speedConsumption: Map<Speed, FuelConsumption>)

Describes the consumption of a vehicle with an internal combustion engine.

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data class CombustionVehicleEfficiency(val velocityChange: VelocityChangeEfficiency? = null, val altitudeChange: AltitudeChangeEfficiency? = null, val fuelEnergyDensity: EnergyDensity)

Specifies the efficiency of a combustion vehicle.

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data class ConnectorDetails(val connectorType: ConnectorType, val ratedPower: Power? = null, val current: ElectricCurrent? = null, val currentType: CurrentType? = null, val voltage: Voltage? = null)

Information about a connector available at a charging park.

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The type of connector that is used for EV charging.

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The electric current type of a connector.

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data class ElectricEngine(val consumption: ElectricVehicleConsumption? = null, val efficiency: ElectricVehicleEfficiency? = null, val chargeLevel: ChargeLevel? = null, val chargingParameters: ChargingParameters? = null)

Describes the engine of an electric vehicle.

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data class ElectricVehicleConsumption(val auxiliaryPower: Power? = null, val speedConsumption: Map<Speed, ElectricConsumption>)

Describes capacity and the consumption of the EV.

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data class ElectricVehicleEfficiency(val velocityChange: VelocityChangeEfficiency? = null, val altitudeChange: AltitudeChangeEfficiency? = null, val altitudeChangeEnergy: AltitudeChangeEnergy? = null)

Specifies the efficiency of an electric vehicle.

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value class FuelType constructor(type: Int)

Fuel types for combustion vehicles.

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Classifications of cargo as hazardous materials which may lead to restrictions on some roads. The available values are UN Hazmat classes 1 through 9 for use in the US, plus additional generic classifications for use in other countries.

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interface Motorized

Trait interface for vehicles that may have electric and/or combustion engines. These vehicles may also be subject to restrictions based on their size or weight.

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abstract class Vehicle

Specifies the vehicle (or lack of one).

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class VehicleDimensions(val weight: Weight? = null, val axleWeight: Weight? = null, val length: Distance? = null, val width: Distance? = null, val height: Distance? = null, val numberOfAxles: Int? = null)

The dimensions of a vehicle.

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The type of a vehicle.

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data class VelocityChangeEfficiency(val acceleration: Ratio, val deceleration: Ratio)

Specifies the ratio by which energy is converted during velocity changes.

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data class VoltageRange(val minVoltage: Voltage, val maxVoltage: Voltage)

Voltage range is used to model DC boosters to be able to charge at DC charging parks with lower voltage in case the native required voltage is higher. Some cars might have this installed and it will affect the charging power. If it is not installed then it is not possible to charge at such station.