Package-level declarations


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data class AuxiliaryPowerProperty(val auxiliaryPower: Power) : ElectricEngineProperty
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data class BatteryCurveProperty(val batteryCurve: Map<Energy, Power>) : ElectricEngineProperty

Represents ChargingParameters.batteryCurve property of the ElectricEngine model.

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data class ChargingTimeOffsetProperty(val chargingTimeOffset: Duration) : ElectricEngineProperty

Represents ChargingParameters.chargingTimeOffset property of the ElectricEngine model.

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data class CurrentChargeProperty(val currentCharge: Energy) : ElectricEngineProperty

Represents ChargeLevel.currentCharge property of the ElectricEngine model.

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data class MaxChargeProperty(val maxCharge: Energy) : ElectricEngineProperty

Represents ChargeLevel.maxCharge property of the ElectricEngine model.

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data class SpeedConsumptionProperty(@Size(min = 1, max = 25) val speedConsumption: Map<Speed, ElectricConsumption>) : ElectricEngineProperty