The Dynamic Data module includes four APIs that provide real-time information.

That is the:

  • Fuel Prices API,

  • Parking Availability API,

  • Parking Prices API, and

  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Availability API.

The provided data is helpful for drivers who are deciding where to park their vehicles, and where to refuel or charge them.


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Includes interfaces for information about EV charging availability, fuel prices, and parking details.

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Includes interfaces for the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging API implementation and all the associated options, response data classes, and the callback interface related to it.

Includes interfaces for the Fuel Price API implementation: the associated options, response data classes, and the callback interface related to it.

Includes the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Availability related models, applicable in the implementation of the EV charging availability provider.

Includes Fuel Prices related models, applicable in the implementation of the fuel price provider.

Includes Fuel Prices related models, applicable in the implementation of the fuel price provider.

Includes classes that are used in the implementation of the parking availability provider.

Includes classes that are used in the implementation of the parking price provider.

Includes the interfaces for the Parking Availability API implementation: the associated options, response data classes, and the callback interface related to it.

Includes the Parking Prices API related models, applicable in the implementation of the parking price provider.