Package-level declarations


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Used to inform caller that a safety locations marker has been clicked.

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Determines how many safety locations are made visible from the beginning of the route.

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class SafetyLocationElement(val safetyLocationId: SafetyLocationId, val coordinates: MutableList<GeoPoint>, val type: SafetyLocationType, val isZone: Boolean)

Represents a safety location element.

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class SafetyLocationMarkerStyle(val startIconImage: Image, val startPinImage: Image? = null, val speedLimitPinImage: Image? = null, val endIconImage: Image? = null, val endPinImage: Image? = null, val textStyle: TextStyle? = TextStyle())

Represents the style used to display safety locations markers.

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class SafetyLocationStyle(val speedCameraLineColor: Int = DEFAULT_SPEED_CAMERA_LINE_COLOR, val speedCameraOutlineColor: Int = DEFAULT_SPEED_CAMERA_OUTLINE_COLOR, val dangerZoneLineColor: Int = DEFAULT_DANGER_ZONE_LINE_COLOR, val dangerZoneOutlineColor: Int = DEFAULT_DANGER_ZONE_OUTLINE_COLOR, val lineWidth: List<WidthByZoom> = DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTHS, val outlineWidth: List<WidthByZoom> = DEFAULT_LINE_OUTLINE_WIDTHS, val markerStyleByCategory: MutableMap<SafetyLocationType, SafetyLocationMarkerStyle> = mutableMapOf())

Represents the style used to display safety locations.

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Defines the type of the safety location.

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Represents vehicle horizon-specific API used to manage horizon capabilities, e.g., safety cameras

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class TextStyle(val textColor: Int = Color.BLACK, val textSize: Double = DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, val fontUri: String = DEFAULT_FONT_URI, val textAnchoring: TextAnchoring = DEFAULT_TEXT_ANCHORING, val offset: PointF = DEFAULT_OFFSET)

Represents the style used to display safety locations markers.