Package-level declarations


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interface Section

Represents a route section.

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class SectionLocation(val startPointIndex: Int, val endPointIndex: Int, geometry: List<GeoPoint>)

Contains information about the location of a section on a route's geometry.

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data class Sections(val laneSections: List<LaneSection> = emptyList(), val trafficSections: List<TrafficSection> = emptyList(), val vehicleRestrictedSections: List<VehicleRestrictedSection> = emptyList(), val speedLimitSections: List<SpeedLimitSection> = emptyList(), val carpoolSections: List<CarpoolSection> = emptyList(), val carTrainSections: List<CarTrainSection> = emptyList(), val countrySections: List<CountrySection> = emptyList(), val ferrySections: List<FerrySection> = emptyList(), val lowEmissionZoneSections: List<LowEmissionZoneSection> = emptyList(), val motorwaySections: List<MotorwaySection> = emptyList(), val pedestrianSections: List<PedestrianSection> = emptyList(), val roadShieldSections: List<RoadShieldSection> = emptyList(), val tollRoadSections: List<TollRoadSection> = emptyList(), val tollVignetteSections: List<TollVignetteSection> = emptyList(), val tunnelSections: List<TunnelSection> = emptyList(), val unpavedSections: List<UnpavedSection> = emptyList(), val urbanSections: List<UrbanSection> = emptyList())

The collection of all sections of a route.