Package-level declarations


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interface DataObject

Interface to a data object provided by a horizon data adapter.

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value class DataType

Types of data objects that horizon data adapters can provide. Each data type requires a specific horizon data adapter.

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Interface to listeners to HorizonDataAdapter notifications. The horizon data adapter notifies these listeners on any update for any of the tiles of interest.

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Interface to a horizon data adapter that provides data objects of a requested data type within a requested bounding box.

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data class HorizonDataSnapshot(val objects: List<ResolvedDataObject>)

Horizon data provided by the horizon data adapter for a requested data type and a requested bounding box. The data consists of a list of objects that contain decoded MapReferences.

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Interface to location data that can be resolved to a map to obtain the corresponding map references. An example of such data is an OpenLR encoding string. See for more details.

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data class ResolvedDataObject(val dataObject: DataObject, val mapReferences: MapReferences)

Contains a data object along with its decoded map references.

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SafetyLocation data object that a safety location horizon data adapters can provide.