Package-level declarations


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actual typealias Bundle = Bundle
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interface Callback<T, U>

Generic callback interface with a generic return types.

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Generic contract for an executor of Runnable callbacks.

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fun interface Cancellable

Represents a cancellable operation.

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actual typealias Context = Context
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actual typealias Parcel = Parcel
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actual typealias Parcelable = Parcelable
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actual typealias Parcelize = Parcelize
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sealed class Result<out SuccessType, out FailureType>

Class that represents either the Success outcome with a value of type SuccessType or Failure with a value of type FailureType.

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actual object SystemClock
expect object SystemClock
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actual class TaskHandler

The actual implementation of the TaskHandler class for the Android platform. It uses the Android Handler and Looper to execute tasks asynchronously on the main thread.

expect class TaskHandler

A multiplatform utility for handling tasks asynchronously on different platforms. The TaskHandler class provides a common interface for posting tasks to be executed on different platforms.

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value class UniqueId(val value: Long = nextValue.incrementAndGet())

Thread safe, single process 64 bit unique id. Not to be used if unique multi-process id generation is required.

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actual typealias Uri = Uri


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inline fun <V, F, V2, F2> Result<V, F>.bimap(successMapper: (V) -> V2, failureMapper: (F) -> F2): Result<V2, F2>

Maps success value or failure.

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inline fun <V, F, V2> Result<V, F>.flatMap(mapper: (V) -> Result<V2, F>): Result<V2, F>

Maps success value to a new Result or passes failure.

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inline fun <V, F, R> Result<V, F>.fold(ifSuccess: (V) -> R, ifFailure: (F) -> R): R

Folds success or failure into a final value.

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inline fun <V, F> Result<V, F>.ifFailure(ifFailure: (F) -> Unit): Result<V, F>

Performs provided operation if Result is failure.

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inline fun <V, F> Result<V, F>.ifSuccess(ifSuccess: (V) -> Unit): Result<V, F>

Performs provided operation if Result is success.

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inline fun <V, F, V2> Result<V, F>.map(mapper: (V) -> V2): Result<V2, F>

Maps success value or passes failure.

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inline fun <V, F, F2> Result<V, F>.mapFailure(mapper: (F) -> F2): Result<V, F2>

Maps failure or passes success value.

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fun <L, R> Result<R, L>.toEither(): Either<L, R>

Converts Result to Either. Result.Failure will be converted to Either.Left and Result.Success will be converted to Either.Right.

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inline fun <V, F> Result<V, F>.valueOr(handler: (F) -> V): V

Returns success value or uses handler to map failure to value.