
constructor(numberOfLanes: NumberOfLanes, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 7) functionalRoadClass: Int? = null, roadType: RoadType? = null, roadCondition: RoadCondition? = null, drivingSide: DrivingSide, isOverpass: Boolean = false, isUnderpass: Boolean = false, isDividedRoad: Boolean = false, isTransitProhibited: Boolean = false, isTollRoad: Boolean = false, isUrbanArea: Boolean = false, isComplexIntersection: Boolean = false, isTunnel: Boolean = false, tunnelName: String? = null, isBridge: Boolean = false, bridgeName: String? = null)



The functional road class. It indicates the relative importance of the road in the road network. The lower the value, the more important the road. Regular values are in the range MIN_FUNCTIONAL_ROAD_CLASS to MAX_FUNCTIONAL_ROAD_CLASS. A value equal to MIN_FUNCTIONAL_ROAD_CLASS indicates a road from the most important category. A value equal to MAX_FUNCTIONAL_ROAD_CLASS indicates a road from the least important category.