Package-level declarations


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class ColorByZoom(colorByZoom: Map<Double, Int>) : StyleByZoom<Int>

Represents the Color to use for each zoom level.

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class NamedCircle(val name: String, val origin: GeoPoint, val radius: Distance)

Represents a named circle.

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class NamedPolygon(val name: String, val boundary: List<GeoPoint>)

Represents a named polygon.

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sealed class Range

Represents a Range that can be displayed by RangeVisualization.

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class RangeStyle(val fillColors: ColorByZoom = DEFAULT_FILL_COLORS, val lineColors: ColorByZoom = DEFAULT_LINE_COLORS, val lineWidths: WidthByZoom = DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH, val outlineColors: ColorByZoom = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLORS, val outlineWidths: WidthByZoom = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH)

Represents a style configuration for the ranges.

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Entry point for all methods related to the range visualization.

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Responsible for creating instances of RangeVisualization.

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class RangeVisualizationStyle(val outerColors: ColorByZoom = DEFAULT_OUTER_COLORS, val rangeStyles: Map<String, RangeStyle> = emptyMap(), val defaultRangeStyle: RangeStyle = RangeStyle())

Represents the style used to display a reachable range.

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open class StyleByZoom<T>(valueByZoom: Map<Double, T>, defaultValue: T, interpolationFunction: (zoom: Double, minZoom: Double, maxZoom: Double, minZoomValue: T, maxZoomValue: T) -> T)

Represents the style value to use for each zoom level.

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class WidthByZoom(widthByZoom: Map<Double, Double>) : StyleByZoom<Double>

Represents the width to use for each zoom level.