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Interface for view adapters which can provide a custom balloon View for a Marker.

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data class GeoJsonMarkerOptions(val sourceId: String, var coordinate: GeoPoint, var properties: JsonObject? = null)
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data class Label(val text: String, @ColorInt val textColor: Int = Color.BLACK, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) @Dimension(unit = 0) val textSize: Double = DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, val fontUri: Uri = DEFAULT_FONT_URI, val textAnchoring: TextAnchoring = DEFAULT_TEXT_ANCHORING, val offset: PointF = DEFAULT_OFFSET, @ColorInt val outlineColor: Int = Color.BLACK, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) val outlineWidth: Double = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH)

Represents Marker label, including all the label specific attributes.

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class Marker

Defines a visual container which can be added on the map.

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fun interface MarkerClickListener

Interface for notifying about the Marker being clicked (tapped).

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Controls Marker-specific features on the map. Allows Marker management and user interactions with the Marker.

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Interface for notifying about the long press gesture applied on a Marker.

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Exception thrown when a Marker with the given id cannot be found on the map.

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Exception thrown when an operation on Marker with the given id is not supported.

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data class MarkerOptions(val coordinate: GeoPoint, val pinImage: Image, val pinIconImage: Image? = null, val shieldImage: Image? = null, val pinIconAnchor: PointF = Marker.DEFAULT_PIN_ICON_ANCHOR, val placementAnchor: PointF = Marker.DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_ANCHOR, val shieldImageAnchor: PointF = Marker.DEFAULT_SHIELD_IMAGE_ANCHOR, val tag: String? = null, val label: Label? = null, val balloonText: String = "")

Defines configuration options for a Marker view which can be added and displayed on the map. See TomTomMap.addMarker(options: MarkerOptions).

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Interface for notifying about the Marker being selected or deselected.

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Options for the horizontal position of the anchor in relation to the Label text.