
interface TextToSpeechEngine : Disposable

Responsible for voice synthesis of audio messages.


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abstract fun addOnEngineReadyListener(listener: OnEngineReadyListener)

Sets a listener to report on the readiness of the TextToSpeechEngine.

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abstract fun changeLanguage(language: Locale)

Changes the language which will be used to synthesize audio messages.

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abstract fun dispose()
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abstract fun playAudioMessage(audioMessage: AudioMessage, playbackListener: MessagePlaybackListener)

Synthesizes an audio message.

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abstract fun playTaggedMessage(taggedMessage: TaggedMessage, playbackListener: MessagePlaybackListener)

Synthesizes tagged audio message. Prior to synthesis the message is parsed into a format understandable by the engine.

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abstract fun removeOnEngineReadyListener(listener: OnEngineReadyListener)

Removes the listener that reports on the readiness of the TextToSpeechEngine.

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abstract fun stopMessagePlayback()

Stops synthesizing the current AudioMessage.


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abstract val supportedPhoneticAlphabets: List<String>

List of phonetic alphabets for messages in MessageType.SSML format supported by engine.