
data class AlongRouteSearchOptions(    val query: String,     val route: List<GeoCoordinate>,     val maxDetourTime: Duration,     val typeAhead: Boolean?,     val limit: Int? = null,     val categorySet: Set<Long>,     val brandSet: Set<String>,     val connectorSet: Set<String>,     val minPowerKw: Double?,     val maxPowerKw: Double?,     val fuelSet: Set<FuelType>,     val geopoliticalView: String?,     val detourOffset: Boolean?,     val sortBy: SortBy?,     val openingHours: OpeningHoursMode?,     val spreadingMode: SpreadingMode?,     val mapCodes: Set<MapCodeType>,     val timeZone: TimeZoneType?,     val relatedPois: RequestedPoiRelationType?)

Defines the parameters of a Search Along the Route query. Use the AlongRouteSearchOptions.Builder to create a new instance of the object.



The search query.


The route points.


The maximum detour time. The maximum value is 3600 seconds.


If this flag is set to true, the query will be interpreted as a partial input and the search will enter predictive mode.


The maximum number of search results that will be returned.


Restricts the Points Of Interest in the response to those whose category ID is listed.


A list of brand names used to restrict the result to POIs associated with those brands.


A list of connector types used to restrict the results to electric vehicle stations that support those connector types. See for more details.


A double value representing a power rate in kilowatts, used to restrict the results to electric vehicle stations with at least one connector with that minimum power.


A double value representing a power rate in kilowatts, used the results to electric vehicle stations with at least one connector with that maximum power.


A set of FuelTypes, used to restrict the results to ones with specific fuels.


Defines what kind of geopolitical view should be used.


Parameter which turns on calculation of the distance between the start of the route and the starting point of the detour to a POI.


Defines how the results will be sorted.


Scope of the opening hours to be provided.


Defines the spreading of returned results along the route.


The set of MapCodeTypes which will be supported.


Used to indicate the mode in which the time zone object will be returned.


Uses the RequestedPoiRelationType to specify what kinds of related POIs to return. Points Of Interest.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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fun AlongRouteSearchOptions(    query: String,     route: List<GeoCoordinate>,     maxDetourTime: Duration,     typeAhead: Boolean?,     limit: Int? = null,     categorySet: Set<Long>,     brandSet: Set<String>,     connectorSet: Set<String>,     minPowerKw: Double?,     maxPowerKw: Double?,     fuelSet: Set<FuelType>,     geopoliticalView: String?,     detourOffset: Boolean?,     sortBy: SortBy?,     openingHours: OpeningHoursMode?,     spreadingMode: SpreadingMode?,     mapCodes: Set<MapCodeType>,     timeZone: TimeZoneType?,     relatedPois: RequestedPoiRelationType?)


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class Builder(    query: String,     route: List<GeoCoordinate>,     maxDetourTime: Duration)

Builder used to create an immutable instance of the AlongRouteSearchOptions.


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val brandSet: Set<String>
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val categorySet: Set<Long>
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val connectorSet: Set<String>
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val detourOffset: Boolean?
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val fuelSet: Set<FuelType>
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val geopoliticalView: String?
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val limit: Int? = null
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val mapCodes: Set<MapCodeType>
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val maxDetourTime: Duration
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val maxPowerKw: Double?
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val minPowerKw: Double?
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val openingHours: OpeningHoursMode?
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val query: String
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val relatedPois: RequestedPoiRelationType?
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val route: List<GeoCoordinate>
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val sortBy: SortBy?
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val spreadingMode: SpreadingMode?
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val timeZone: TimeZoneType?
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val typeAhead: Boolean?