
class Builder(itinerary: Itinerary)

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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fun Builder(itinerary: Itinerary)


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fun allowVignettes(allowVignettes: List<String>): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies countries in which all toll roads and vignettes will be allowed.

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fun alternativeType(alternativeType: AlternativeType): RoutingOptions.Builder

When maxAlternatives is greater than 0, allows to specify the objective of computing alternative routes: finding routes that are significantly different than the reference route, or finding routes that are better than the reference route.

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fun arriveAt(arriveAt: Date): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the desired arrival time for the route to calculate in RFC 3339 format with an optional time zone offset. Example:

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fun avoidAreas(areas: List<GeoBoundingBox>): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies areas which will be avoided.

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fun avoidType(avoidTypes: List<AvoidType>): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies something that the route calculation should try to avoid when determining the route.

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fun avoidVignettes(avoidVignettes: List<String>): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies countries in which all toll roads and vignettes will be avoided.

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fun build(): RoutingOptions

Construct a new RoutingOptions.

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fun combustionVehicleDescriptor(combustionVehicleDescriptor: CombustionVehicleDescriptor): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies parameters for a combustion vehicle.

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fun considerTraffic(considerTraffic: Boolean): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies whether the traffic information will be considered. The default value is true.

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fun departAt(departAt: Date): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the departure time in RFC 3339 format with an optional time zone offset. Example:

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fun electricVehicleDescriptor(electricVehicleDescriptor: ElectricVehicleDescriptor): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies parameters for an electric vehicle.

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fun extras(extras: Any): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies Any which can be used to provide additional data to a custom implementation of RoutingApi.

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fun hilliness(hilliness: Hilliness): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the hilliness type for route calculation.

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fun includeExtendedRouteRepresentation(includeExtendedRouteRepresentation: Boolean): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the extended route representation for the route calculation.

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fun instructionAnnouncementPoints(instructionAnnouncementPoints: AnnouncementPoints): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies whether to include announcement points in instructions. If specified, the instruction will include up to three additional fine-grained announcement points, each with its own location, maneuver type, and distance to the instruction point.

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fun instructionPhonetics(instructionPhonetics: InstructionPhoneticsType): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies whether to include the phonetic transcription of street names, signpost text, and road numbers in the instructions in the response.

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fun instructionRoadShieldReferences(instructionRoadShieldReferences: RoadShieldReferences): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies whether to include road shield references into the external road shields atlas.

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fun instructionType(instructionType: InstructionType): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the instruction type for the route calculation.

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fun language(language: Locale): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the language used for route calculation.

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fun maxAlternatives(maxAlternatives: Int): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the maximum number of route alternatives to be calculated by the service.

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fun minDeviationDistance(minDeviationDistance: Int): RoutingOptions.Builder

All alternative routes returned will follow the reference route from the origin point of the calculateRoute Request for at least this number of meters. This can only be used when reconstructing a route. The minDeviationDistance parameter cannot be used in conjunction with arriveAt.

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fun minDeviationTime(minDeviationTime: Int): RoutingOptions.Builder

All alternative routes returned will follow the reference route from the origin point of the calculateRoute Request for at least this number of seconds. This can only be used when reconstructing a route. The minDeviationTime parameter cannot be used in conjunction with arriveAt.

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fun reportType(reportType: ReportType): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies if the report should be provided in the RoutingResult.

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fun routeRepresentation(routeRepresentation: RouteRepresentation): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the route representation for the route calculation.

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fun routeType(routeType: RouteType): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the type of route requested.

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fun sectionTypes(sectionTypes: List<SectionType>): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies which of the section types is reported in the result. It can be called multiple times.

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fun supportingPoints(supportingPoints: List<List<GeoCoordinate>>): RoutingOptions.Builder

A list of base route points to be used as input for route reconstruction.

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fun trackingId(trackingId: String): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies an identifier for the request. The value should be unique for each request. The value must match the regular expression '^a-zA-Z0-9-{1,100}$'. If specified, the same value is sent back in the similar-named response header. Otherwise, a generated value may be sent back.

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fun trafficInformation(trafficInformation: TrafficInformation): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies whether to return additional travel times using different types of traffic information (none, historic, live) as well as the default best-estimate travel time.

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fun travelMode(travelMode: TravelMode): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the mode of travel for the requested route.

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fun vehicleHeading(vehicleHeading: Int): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the vehicle heading for route calculation.

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fun windingness(windingness: Windingness): RoutingOptions.Builder

Specifies the windingness type for route calculation.