Package com.tomtom.sdk.navigation.locationcontext


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data class Limited(val inMetersPerSecond: Double) : SpeedLimit

Speed is limited.

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data class LocationContext(    val speedLimit: SpeedLimit,     val streetName: String,     val city: String,     val country: String,     val countryCode: String,     val isTunnel: Boolean,     val isUnderpass: Boolean,     val functionalRoadClass: Int,     val speedInMetersPerSecond: Double? = null,     val extras: String? = null,     val roadType: TypeOfRoad? = null,     val isLeftHandDriving: Boolean? = null)

Provides detailed information about a current location on the road.

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interface LocationContextProviderEngine : Disposable

Responsible for extraction of detailed information about a current location on the road (e.g. Speed limit).

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interface SpeedLimit

Specify speed limit.

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LocationContextProviderEngine implementation responsible for extraction of detailed information about a current location from previously matched location.

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value class TypeOfRoad

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.

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object Unknown : SpeedLimit

Speed limit is unknown.

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object Unlimited : SpeedLimit

Speed is unlimited (there is no maximum speed).