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Interface of the Reverse geocoding API for turning a location on the map into a human-readable address.

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Callback that reports that a ReverseGeocoderResponse or SearchFailure has been received.

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data class ReverseGeocoderOptions(val position: GeoPoint, val heading: Angle? = null, val radius: Distance = DEFAULT_RADIUS, val roadUses: Set<RoadUse> = emptySet(), val areaTypes: Set<AreaType> = emptySet(), val locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault(), val geopoliticalView: GeopoliticalView? = null, val preferClosestAccurateAddress: Boolean = false, val fetchGeometry: Boolean = false)

Defines the parameters of a Reverse Geocoding query.

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data class ReverseGeocoderResponse(val summary: ReverseGeocoderSummary, val places: List<PlaceMatch>)

Response of the Reverse Geocoding API.