Package-level declarations


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interface Callback<T, U>

Generic callback interface with a generic return types.

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Generic contract for an executor of Runnable callbacks.

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fun interface Cancellable

Represents a cancellable operation.

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sealed class Result<out SuccessType, out FailureType>

Class that represents either the Success outcome with a value of type SuccessType or Failure with a value of type FailureType.

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value class UniqueId(val value: Long = nextValue.incrementAndGet())

Thread safe, single process 64 bit unique id. Not to be used if unique multi-process id generation is required.


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inline fun <V, F, V2, F2> Result<V, F>.bimap(successMapper: (V) -> V2, failureMapper: (F) -> F2): Result<V2, F2>

Maps success value or failure.

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inline fun <V, F, V2> Result<V, F>.flatMap(mapper: (V) -> Result<V2, F>): Result<V2, F>

Maps success value to a new Result or passes failure.

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inline fun <V, F, R> Result<V, F>.fold(ifSuccess: (V) -> R, ifFailure: (F) -> R): R

Folds success or failure into a final value.

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inline fun <V, F> Result<V, F>.ifFailure(ifFailure: (F) -> Unit): Result<V, F>

Performs provided operation if Result is failure.

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inline fun <V, F> Result<V, F>.ifSuccess(ifSuccess: (V) -> Unit): Result<V, F>

Performs provided operation if Result is success.

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inline fun <V, F, V2> Result<V, F>.map(mapper: (V) -> V2): Result<V2, F>

Maps success value or passes failure.

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inline fun <V, F, F2> Result<V, F>.mapFailure(mapper: (F) -> F2): Result<V, F2>

Maps failure or passes success value.

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fun <L, R> Result<R, L>.toEither(): Either<L, R>

Converts Result to Either. Result.Failure will be converted to Either.Left and Result.Success will be converted to Either.Right.

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inline fun <V, F> Result<V, F>.valueOr(handler: (F) -> V): V

Returns success value or uses handler to map failure to value.