Package-level declarations


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data class ChargingOptions(val minChargeAtDestination: Energy = Energy.kilowattHours(0), val minChargeAtChargingStops: Energy = Energy.kilowattHours(0))

Represents the electric vehicle options that provide charging information.

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class Itinerary(val origin: ItineraryPoint, val destination: ItineraryPoint, val waypoints: List<ItineraryPoint> = emptyList())

Itinerary represents a sequence of points that a route visits.

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data class ItineraryPoint(val place: Place, val heading: Angle? = null)

Encapsulates Place with the additional information relevant for the route itinerary.

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value class ItineraryPointId(val value: UUID = UUID.randomUUID())

Represents a unique identifier of an itinerary point.

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data class RangeCalculationOptions(val origin: ItineraryPoint, val budgets: Set<Budget>, val vehicle: Vehicle = Vehicle.Car(), val costModel: CostModel? = null, val departAt: Date? = null, val routeToInclude: List<GeoPoint> = emptyList(), val queryOptions: QueryOptions = QueryOptions())

Options for range calculation.

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data class RouteLegOptions(val supportingPoints: List<GeoPoint>, val chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null)

Options specific for concrete leg.

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data class RoutePlanningOptions(val itinerary: Itinerary, val costModel: CostModel? = null, val departAt: Date? = null, val arriveAt: Date? = null, val alternativeRoutesOptions: AlternativeRoutesOptions? = null, val guidanceOptions: GuidanceOptions? = null, val routeLegOptions: List<RouteLegOptions> = emptyList(), val vehicle: Vehicle = Vehicle.Car(), val chargingOptions: ChargingOptions? = null, val queryOptions: QueryOptions? = null, val waypointOptimization: WaypointOptimization? = null)

Options for route planning.