Package-level declarations


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Functor called by the client to signal it has stopped using the map.

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Listener for errors in the automatic map update process.

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Exception that's thrown when an invalid observer is passed as a parameter to any of the orchestrator's functions.

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The error returned when onboard map files are unavailable.

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Implementation of a DataStore which is based on an onboard NDS map.

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Provides access to an NDS map instance.

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class NdsStoreAccessor(storeAccessChangedListenerId: String, initialize: () -> Unit = {}, deinitialize: () -> Unit = {}, cancelRequest: () -> Unit = {}) : OnStoreAccessChangedListener

Takes care of access to a DataStore.

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Synchronizes access to an onboard NDS map.

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data class NdsStoreConfiguration(val ndsStorePath: File, val keystorePath: File? = null, val keystorePassword: String? = null, val ndsStoreUpdateConfig: NdsStoreUpdateConfig, val geopoliticalView: String? = null)

Configuration parameters for an NdsStore.

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open class NdsStoreError

Represents an error raised when something goes wrong in the data store.

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data class NdsStoreUpdateConfig(val updateStoragePath: File, val persistentStoragePath: File, val updateServerUri: Uri? = null, val updateServerApiKey: String? = null, val iqMapsAllRegionsEnabled: Boolean = false, val iqMapsRelevantRegionsEnabled: Boolean = false, val iqMapsRelevantRegionsRadius: Distance = Distance.ZERO, val iqMapsRelevantRegionsUpdateInterval: Duration = Duration.ZERO, val iqMapsRegionsAlongRouteEnabled: Boolean = false, val iqMapsRegionsAlongRouteRadius: Distance = Distance.ZERO)

Configuration of updates of the NdsStore.

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Interface for components that rely on the onboard map. It is used to synchronise access/unavailability states for map files.

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Listener for changes to the NDS map state. The map state is represented as a graph of regions.

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Errors that can be reported when the NdsStore is updated.

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fun interface UpdateListener

Listener for updates to the NdsStore