Package-level declarations


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data class AlongRouteResult(val searchResultId: SearchResultId, val poi: Poi, val position: GeoPoint, val distance: Distance? = null, val address: Address? = null, val detourDuration: Duration? = null, val detourDistance: Distance? = null, val detourOffset: Distance? = null)

Describes the details of a single result item returned by the Search API.

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data class AutocompleteResult(val segments: List<AutocompleteSegment> = emptyList())

Contains a list of results returned by the Autocomplete engine.

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The type of autocomplete result.

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data class AutocompleteSegment(val type: AutocompleteMatchType, val category: Category? = null, val brand: Brand? = null, val plainText: String = "", val matchedAlternativeName: String = "")

Describes an entity found within the autocomplete search term. An entity is a distinct part of the search term that can be used to generate a query.

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data class SearchResult(val type: ResultType, val searchResultId: SearchResultId, val position: GeoPoint, val distance: Distance? = null, val poi: Poi? = null, val address: Address? = null, val boundingBox: GeoBoundingBox? = null)

Describes the details of a single result item returned by the Search API.

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data class SearchResultId(val id: String, val source: Source, val fuelPriceId: FuelPriceId? = null, val evChargingAvailabilityId: EvChargingAvailabilityId? = null, val parkingInformationId: ParkingInformationId? = null, val geometryId: GeometryId? = null)

Identifier that represents the search result.

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value class Source

The source of the result can be either the offline NDS map or the remote online service.