Package-level declarations


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data class AlternativeRoutesOptions(val maxAlternatives: Int = 1, val alternativeType: AlternativeType? = null, val minDeviationDistance: Distance? = null, val minDeviationTime: Duration? = null)

Specifies options related to alternative routes.

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Represents the 'alternativeType' parameter in a Request to the Routing API.

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data class AvoidOptions(val avoidTypes: Set<AvoidType> = emptySet(), val vignettes: Vignettes? = null, val avoidAreas: Set<GeoBoundingBox> = emptySet())

Specifies avoidance criteria.

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value class AvoidType

Defines what kind of roads should be avoided while calculating a route.

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Specifies whether to return additional travel times using different types of traffic information (none, historic, live) as well as the default best-estimate travel time.

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Specifies whether to ignore traffic.

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data class CostModel(val routeType: RouteType = RouteType.Fast, val considerTraffic: ConsiderTraffic = ConsiderTraffic.Yes, val avoidOptions: AvoidOptions? = null)

Criteria that specify what paths to prefer during routing.

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value class Hilliness

Represents the 'hilliness' parameter in a Request to the Routing API.

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abstract class RouteType

This represents the 'routeType' parameter in a Request to the Routing API.

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abstract class Vignettes

Either of Vignettes.Allow or Vignettes.Avoid.

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Specifies whether to optimize the order of waypoints, and if so, how.

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Represents the 'windingness' parameter in a Request to the Routing API.