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class Circle

A Circle overlay which was added to the map.

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Controls Circle-specific features on the map. Allows Circle management and the user interactions with the Circle.

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Exception thrown when a Circle with the given id cannot be found on the map.

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data class CircleOptions(val coordinate: GeoPoint, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) val radius: Double, val radiusUnit: RadiusUnit = DEFAULT_RADIUS_UNIT, val fillColor: Color = DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR, val outlineColor: Color = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) val outlineRadius: Double = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_RADIUS, val isClickable: Boolean = true)

Configures options for a Circle overlay which can be added and displayed on the map. See TomTomMap.addCircle(options CircleOptions).

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fun interface OnCircleClickListener

Interface for notifying about the Circle being clicked.

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Options related to a radius given in the CircleOptions. Determines the way that circle is drawn on map.