Package-level declarations


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data class Announcement(val id: UniqueId = UniqueId(), val point: GeoPoint? = null, val distance: Distance, val type: String, val verbalMessage: String = "", val verbalMessagePhonetics: Phonetics? = null)

Fine-grained announcement points, each with its own message, location and distance to the instruction point.

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abstract class Budget

Either of Budget.Fuel, Budget.Energy, Budget.Time or Budget.Distance.

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abstract class Consumption

Represents a consumed or remaining amount of fuel or electric energy.

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data class Destination(val id: RouteStopId, val place: Place, val navigableCoordinates: List<GeoPoint>, val routeOffset: Distance, val roadSide: RoadSide? = null, val arrivalEnergy: Energy? = null, val sourceType: RouteStop.SourceType = RouteStop.SourceType.USER_DEFINED, val chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null) : RouteStop

Represents the destination of the route.

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Indicates driving side at the point of the maneuver.

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class ForkPoint(val forkingRouteId: RouteId, val location: GeoPoint)

Represents information about the fork point.

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data class Origin(val id: RouteStopId, val place: Place, val navigableCoordinates: List<GeoPoint>, val routeOffset: Distance, val roadSide: RoadSide? = null, val arrivalEnergy: Energy? = null, val sourceType: RouteStop.SourceType = RouteStop.SourceType.USER_DEFINED, val chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null) : RouteStop

Represents the origin of the route.

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data class Phonetics(val street: String = "", val streetLanguageCode: String = "", val roadNumbers: List<String> = emptyList(), val roadNumbersLanguageCodes: List<String> = emptyList(), val signPostText: String = "", val signPostTextLanguageCode: String = "")

Phonetic strings of all of the readable Instruction properties.

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data class PhoneticString(val value: String, val language: String, val alphabet: String)

Represents a phonetic string.

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data class Range(val origin: GeoPoint, val polygons: Map<Budget, List<GeoPoint>>)

The range class contains reachability polygons for remaining energy budgets, calculated around an origin point.

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data class RoadInformation(val roadName: TextWithPhonetics?, val roadNumbers: List<TextWithPhonetics>, val roadShields: List<RoadShield>, val roadTypes: Set<RoadType> = emptySet())

Road information at a given point on a Route.

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data class RoadShield(val fullRoadNumber: String, val shieldContent: String = "", val affixes: List<String> = emptyList(), val stateCode: String = "", val countryCode: String = "", val languageCode: String = "", val reference: String = "")

Represents a road shield.

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Indicates the side of the road at which a RouteStop is located.

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value class RoadType

Indicates a road type.

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data class Route(val id: RouteId, val summary: Summary, val legs: List<RouteLeg>, val routeStops: List<RouteStop>, val sections: Sections, val modificationHistory: RouteModificationHistory, val routeCoordinates: List<RouteCoordinate> = emptyList(), val forkPoints: List<ForkPoint> = emptyList(), val incrementEndOffset: Distance = Distance.ZERO)

The route class contains the route to be navigated, including geometry and generated guidance messages.

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data class RouteCoordinate(val coordinate: GeoPoint, val routeOffset: Distance, val travelTime: Duration)

Represents route GeoPoints together with its distance offset along the route and estimated travel time.

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value class RouteId(val value: UniqueId = UniqueId())

A unique identifier of a Route.

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data class RouteLeg(val points: List<GeoPoint>, val instructions: List<Instruction>, val summary: Summary, val mapReferences: MapReferences? = null)

Represents information about a part of a Route, made up of a list of GeoPoint points.

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data class RouteModificationHistory(val creation: RouteTimestamp, val lastUpdate: RouteTimestamp = creation)

Information about the route creation and the last update.

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interface RouteStop

Represents a point that the route must visit.

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value class RouteStopId(val value: UUID = UUID.randomUUID())

A unique identifier, used for matching RouteStop with ItineraryPoint.

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data class RouteTimestamp(val timestampInMillis: Long, val timeWithZone: Calendar)

Information about route creation or modification time.

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class Segment(val start: RouteCoordinate, val end: RouteCoordinate)

Represents a line between two RouteCoordinate.

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data class Signpost(val exitNumber: TextWithPhonetics? = null, val exitName: TextWithPhonetics? = null, val towardName: TextWithPhonetics? = null)

The Signpost class contains information about the signpost for the Instruction.

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data class Summary(val length: Distance, val travelTime: Duration, val trafficDelay: Duration = Duration.ZERO, val trafficLength: Distance = Distance.ZERO, val departureTimeWithZone: Calendar, val arrivalTimeWithZone: Calendar, val consumptionForWholeLength: Consumption? = null, val consumptionUpToReachableOffset: Consumption? = null, val remainingBudget: Consumption? = null, val reachableOffset: Distance? = null)

The route summary contains the high-level route data.

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data class TextWithPhonetics(val plainText: String, val plainTextLanguage: String = "", val phoneticString: PhoneticString? = null)

Represents a localized string with optional phonetics information.

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data class Waypoint(val id: RouteStopId, val place: Place, val navigableCoordinates: List<GeoPoint>, val routeOffset: Distance, val roadSide: RoadSide? = null, val arrivalEnergy: Energy? = null, val sourceType: RouteStop.SourceType = RouteStop.SourceType.USER_DEFINED, val chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null) : RouteStop

Represents a point that the route must visit between departure and destination.


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Calculates the angle (bearing) between this GeoPoint and the GeoPoint given as an argument.

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Calculates the geographic distance from this RouteCoordinate.coordinate to the GeoPoint given as an argument.

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Finds Segment at given distance along the route using binary search.