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data class ExplicitDistancePolicy(val searchDistance: PathSearchDistance = PathSearchDistance( maxHorizonLength = DEFAULT_MAX_HORIZON_MAIN_PATH_LENGTH )) : PathSearchDistancePolicy

Policy that specifies a search distance for the main path. Main path - the path that the user is currently on, extending along the most likely trajectory. When enabling this search policy, the horizon engine only searches within an explicitly specified distance when extending the main path. To search along the entire route use the route length policy. If the search distance is not specified, a default value corresponding to a maximum horizon length of DEFAULT_MAX_HORIZON_MAIN_PATH_LENGTH is used.

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Defines the interface to the horizon engine. The horizon engine generates virtual horizon data based on the previously registered horizon options. These options define the length and the map data collected for the horizon paths. The client of the horizon engine can register multiple sets of horizon options. The client can also request the engine provide horizon data for all or some of the option sets. The client of the engine can also update the horizon options by registering a new set of options or unregistering a previously registered set.

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data class HorizonOptions(val elementTypes: List<HorizonElementType>, val mainPathSearchOptions: MainPathSearchOptions, val subPathSearchOptions: List<SubPathSearchOptions> = listOf(), val numberOfPaths: Int = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PATHS)

Horizon options. For information on how to manage horizon options see HorizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions and HorizonEngine.unregisterHorizonOptions. Horizon options define the extent of the paths in the horizon and the map attributes to be collected for these paths. A set of horizon options consists of the following:

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class HorizonPath(val pathId: Int, val parentPathId: Int, val offsetOnParentPath: Distance?, val geometry: List<PathGeometry>, elements: Map<HorizonElementType, List<HorizonElement>>)

Path in the horizon. The length of the path as well as which types of horizon elements it contains are determined by the horizon options. For information on how to manage horizon options see HorizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions and optionsHorizonOptions.

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data class HorizonPosition(val pathId: Int, val offset: Distance, val isOnRoad: Boolean, val location: GeoLocation)

The best map-matched position on the horizon. It can be either on-road or off-road. If off-road, it can be either:

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data class HorizonResult(val options: HorizonOptions, val snapshot: HorizonSnapshot, val position: HorizonPosition)

Output of the horizon engine, consisting of one horizon snapshot, vehicle position and set of previously registered horizon options.

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class HorizonSnapshot(val paths: List<HorizonPath>, val state: HorizonSnapshotState, mainPathId: Int?)

Snapshot of the horizon provided by the horizon engine, based on a set of previously registered horizon options. Subscription options define the extent of the paths on the horizon as well as which map attributes are collected for those paths.

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data class HorizonSnapshotState(val extensionCounter: Int)

State of the horizon snapshot provided by the horizon engine. It is based on a set of previously registered horizon options.

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data class MainPathSearchOptions(val searchTime: Duration = DEFAULT_MAIN_PATH_SEARCH_TIME, val searchDistancePolicy: PathSearchDistancePolicy)

Horizon search options for the main path. The main path is the path the user currently follows, extending along the most likely trajectory. The search distance policy and the search time define the extent of the paths in the horizon.

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data class PathSearchDistance(val maxHorizonLength: Distance = DEFAULT_HORIZON_LENGTH)

Horizon path search distance configuration. It specifies the maximum horizon length.

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Interface to the path search policy. The path search policy specifies whether the horizon engine must search along the entire route (see RouteLengthPolicy) or within an explicitly defined distance (see ExplicitDistancePolicy).

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Main path search distance policy that is based on the route length. The main path is the path the user currently follows, extending along the most likely trajectory. When this policy is enabled, the horizon engine searches along the entire route when extending the main path. To search by distance use explicit distance policy.

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data class SubPathSearchOptions(val searchTime: Duration = DEFAULT_SUB_PATH_SEARCH_TIME, val searchDistance: PathSearchDistance = PathSearchDistance( maxHorizonLength = DEFAULT_MAX_HORIZON_SUB_PATH_LENGTH ))

Horizon search options for a sub-path level. Sub-path level - the number of times the driver would have to deviate from the main path to reach a particular sub-path. Search distance and the search time, define the extent of the paths in the horizon.