Package-level declarations


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data class AreaOfInterest(val paths: List<HorizonPath>)

Representing the area of interest for which data sources should prepare data.

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interface DataObject

Interface to an object associated with location reference retrieved from a DataSource. Each object must contain a location reference that can be converted into map location.

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Interface for a data source that provides objects of a specific type inside a requested bounding box.

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value class DataType

Types of data that can be retrieved from a specific DataSource.

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Interface for listeners to DataSource data updates. The data source notifies these listeners on any update for any of the tiles of interest.

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data class HorizonDataSnapshot(val objects: List<DataObject>)

Represents data from a DataSource returned for a specific bounding box.

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Data which can be resolved to a map to find the corresponding map references. For example, OpenLR string.

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value class OpenLocationReference(val openlrString: String) : LocationReference

Map-agnostic location reference generated out of map-dependent location.

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data class SafetyLocationData(val id: SafetyLocationId, val type: SafetyLocationType, val startPosition: GeoPoint, val endPosition: GeoPoint = startPosition, val speedLimit: Speed? = null, val recommendedWarningDistance: Distance? = null, val locationReference: LocationReference) : DataObject

A safety location entry.

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value class SafetyLocationId(val value: String)

Identifies a safety location.

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Describes the type of Safety Locations.