Package-level declarations


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data class AdrTunnelRestrictionCodeParameter(val adrTunnelRestrictionCode: <Error class: unknown class>) : VehicleParameter

Specifies the restriction level for tunnel usage according to 'European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road' (ADR) tunnel restrictions.

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data class AltitudeChangeEfficiencyParameter(val altitudeChangeEfficiency: <Error class: unknown class>) : ElectricEngineParameter, CombustionEngineParameter

Specifies the ratio by which energy is converted during altitude changes. If used in a CombustionEngineParameter list, FuelEnergyDensity must also be specified.

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data class AltitudeChangeEnergyParameter(val altitudeChangeEnergy: <Error class: unknown class>) : ElectricEngineParameter

Specifies the energy that is gained or lost by altitude changes.

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data class AuxiliaryFuelPower(val auxiliaryFuelPower: <Error class: unknown class>) : CombustionEngineParameter

Specifies the vehicle auxiliary fuel consumption.

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data class AuxiliaryPower(val auxiliaryPower: <Error class: unknown class>) : ElectricEngineParameter

Specifies the auxiliary consumption of the electric engine.

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data class AxleWeight(val axleWeight: <Error class: unknown class>) : VehicleParameter

Specifies the axle weight of the vehicle.

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data class BatteryCurve(val batteryCurve: Map<<Error class: unknown class>, <Error class: unknown class>>) : ElectricEngineParameter

Specifies a curve that represents the variation in speed a which an EV battery charges.

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data class ChargingConnectors(val chargingConnectors: List<<Error class: unknown class>>) : ElectricEngineParameter

Specifies a list of all the charging connectors that can be used for charging.

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Specifies the combustion engine parameters.

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Trait interface for combustion engine parameters.

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data class CommercialVehicle(val isCommercialVehicle: Boolean) : VehicleParameter

Specifies commercial nature of the vehicle.

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data class CurrentCharge(val currentCharge: <Error class: unknown class>) : ElectricEngineParameter

Specifies current charge of the electric engine.

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data class CurrentFuel(val currentFuel: <Error class: unknown class>) : CombustionEngineParameter

Specifies the amount of fuel.

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Specifies the electric engine parameters.

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Trait interface for electric engine parameters.

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data class FuelEnergyDensity(val fuelEnergyDensity: <Error class: unknown class>) : CombustionEngineParameter

Specifies the efficiency of the vehicle.

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data class LoadType(val loadType: Set<<Error class: unknown class>>) : VehicleParameter

Specifies types of cargo that may be classified as hazardous materials and restricted from some roads.

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data class MaxCharge(val maxCharge: <Error class: unknown class>) : ElectricEngineParameter

Specifies capacity and current charge of the electric engine.

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data class MaxSpeed(val maxSpeed: <Error class: unknown class>) : VehicleParameter

Specifies the maximum speed of the vehicle.

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data class SpeedConsumption(val speedConsumption: Map<<Error class: unknown class>, <Error class: unknown class>>) : ElectricEngineParameter

Specifies the consumption of the electric engine.

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data class SpeedFuelConsumption(val speedConsumption: Map<<Error class: unknown class>, <Error class: unknown class>>) : CombustionEngineParameter

Specifies the vehicle fuel consumption.

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data class VehicleHeight(val height: <Error class: unknown class>) : VehicleParameter

Specifies the height of the vehicle.

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data class VehicleLength(val length: <Error class: unknown class>) : VehicleParameter

Specifies the length of the vehicle.

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Trait interface for vehicle parameters.

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data class VehicleWeight(val vehicleWeight: <Error class: unknown class>) : VehicleParameter

Specifies the weight of the vehicle.

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data class VehicleWidth(val width: <Error class: unknown class>) : VehicleParameter

Specifies the width of the vehicle.

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data class VelocityChangeEfficiencyParameter(val velocityChangeEfficiency: <Error class: unknown class>) : ElectricEngineParameter, CombustionEngineParameter

Specifies the ratio by which energy is converted during velocity changes. If used in a CombustionEngineParameter list, FuelEnergyDensity must also be specified.