Package-level declarations


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class Instruction(val routeOffset: Distance = Distance.ZERO, val length: Distance = Distance.meters(DEFAULT_MANEUVER_LENGTH), val combineWithNext: Boolean = false)

Represents an instruction arrow on a route.

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class Route

A Route representation which can be added and displayed on the map.

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fun interface RouteClickListener

Interface for notifying about the Route being clicked.

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interface RouteController

Controls Route-specific features on the map. Allows Route management and the user interactions with the Route.

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Exception thrown when a Route with the given routeId cannot be found on the map.

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data class RouteOptions(val geometry: List<GeoPoint>, @ColorInt val color: Int = DEFAULT_COLOR, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) val outlineWidth: Double = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH, val widths: List<WidthByZoom> = DEFAULT_WIDTHS, val visible: Boolean = true, val progress: Distance = Distance.ZERO, val instructions: List<Instruction> = emptyList(), val tag: String? = null, val departureMarkerVisible: Boolean = false, val destinationMarkerVisible: Boolean = false, val followable: Boolean = false, val routeOffset: List<Distance> = emptyList(), val sections: List<RouteSection> = emptyList(), val departureMarkerPinImage: Image? = null, val destinationMarkerPinImage: Image? = null)

Configures options for a Route representation which can be added and displayed on the map. See TomTomMap.addRoute(routeOptions: RouteOptions).

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data class RouteSection(val type: RouteSectionType, val start: GeoPoint, val end: GeoPoint, val geometry: List<GeoPoint> = emptyList(), val routeOffset: Distance = Distance.ZERO)

Represent the Route section.

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The type of a RouteSectionType.