Package-level declarations


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sealed class ImageSource : Parcelable

Represents the source of an image. A source can be the local resource or a remote URI.

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Represents an image from a local source, such as an Android resource.

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data class RemoteImage(val uri: Uri, val placeholder: DrawableResolver? = null, val fallback: DrawableResolver? = null) : Parcelable

A data class that represents a remote image. The source uri, a placeholder to display before the download successfully completes and an fallback to display if the download fails.

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data class RemoteImageSource(val remoteImage: RemoteImage) : ImageSource

Represents an image from a remote source, such as an URI.

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Facilitates downloading drawables from remote locations.


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fun ImageView.load(uri: Uri, placeholder: Drawable? = null, fallback: Drawable? = null)

Attempts to load and show the content identified by uri in this ImageView. If uri's content is not loaded yet, placeholder will be shown, or the current drawable if placeholder is null. If fallback is defined and the loading fails, fallback will be shown.