Package-level declarations


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data class AmPmIndicatorStringResolver(instantMilliseconds: Long) : StringResolver

A StringResolver that takes a date time value in milliseconds and resolves that to the String representation of an AM or PM indicator.

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A StringResolver that resolves a String from a theme based on attrId.

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data class CompositeStringResolver(resolvers: List<StringResolver>, separator: StringResolver = StaticStringResolver(" ")) : FlowStringResolver

A StringResolver that creates a string from the given resolvers, separated using separator.

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A StringResolver that takes a duration and resolves that to a String representation of the duration (e.g. h:mm:ss for English) in which the hour component is only added when it is non-zero.

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A StringResolver which provides a Flow. This Flow will emit updates to the string using the context.

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data class HourMinuteStringResolver(instant: Instant) : StringResolver

A StringResolver that takes a date time value in milliseconds and resolves that to the String representation using the specified format HH:mm or h:m in the default time zone for the given Context.

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data class InstantStringResolver(instant: Instant, formatStyle: FormatStyle) : StringResolver

A StringResolver that takes an Instant date time value and resolves that to the String representation using the specified FormatStyle in the default time zone for the given Context.

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A StringResolver that takes a duration and resolves it to a String which is the concatenation of the number of minutes with the minute indicator.

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data class LocalTimeStringResolver(time: LocalTime) : StringResolver

A StringResolver that takes a LocalTime value and resolves it to a String representation using a 12 or 24 hour format pattern and, for 12 hour format, a meridiem (am/pm) string. The selection of time format and meridiem string resources is determined by the Context's 24 hour format preference.

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A StringResolver that takes a phone number and resolves it into a formatted phone number.

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A StringResolver that retrieves pluralised strings from the given Context. For more information on the returned values see Resources.getQuantityString.

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data class RelativeTimeSpanStringResolver(time: Instant, updateDurationMs: Long = DEFAULT_UPDATE_DURATION_MS) : FlowStringResolver

A StringResolver that takes a time and resolves it to a String representation that shows the relative time.

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A StringResolver that resolves a String from resources. formatArguments that are StringResolvers will be automatically resolved as well.

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A StringResolver that can represent any object based on its toString implementation.

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An interface for classes that resolve a String based on a Context. This is useful to separate business logic from presentation, where a service or ViewModel can refer to a resource or other types of data that depend on the Locale or display without needing a Context to resolve its value.

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class TemperatureStringResolver(temperatureCelsius: Number) : StringResolver