Package-level declarations


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A DrawableResolver that resolves a Drawable from a theme based on attrId.

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A DrawableResolver that creates a Drawable from a Bitmap and target density based on the display metrics of the Context.

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A DrawableResolver that retrieves a color array from a theme using gradientColorArrayAttrId and creates a GradientDrawable from it. The gradient will have a linear shape with the given orientation.

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An interface for classes that resolve a Drawable based on a Context. This is useful to separate business logic from presentation, where a service or ViewModel can refer to a resource or other types of data that depend on the Locale or display without needing a Context to resolve its value.

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A DrawableResolver that retrieves a Drawable from an Icon.

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A DrawableResolver that creates a Drawable from a list of DrawableResolvers by layering them.

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A DrawableResolver that resolves a Drawable from a Context.