Package-level declarations


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data class Angle : Quantity<Angle, Angle.Unit>

A quantity describing an angle. (For example, 90 degrees.)

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actual typealias CommonQuantityAnnotation = Parcelize
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
expect annotation class CommonQuantityAnnotation
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
actual annotation class CommonQuantityAnnotation
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expect interface CommonQuantityBase
actual typealias CommonQuantityBase = Serializable
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A quantity describing a distance. (For example, 10 kilometers.)

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A quantity describing a duration. (For example, 10 seconds.)

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A quantity describing an electric current. (For example, 10 amperes.)

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A quantity describing energy. (For example, 10 kilowatt-hours.)

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data class Force : Quantity<Force, Force.Unit>

A quantity describing force. (For example, 10 newtons.)

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data class Power : Quantity<Power, Power.Unit>

A quantity describing power. (For example, 10 kilowatts.)

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A quantity describing probability. (For example, 10%.)

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A base interface for quantities. Outlines the common operations to retrieve values and perform mathematical operations.

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data class Speed : Quantity<Speed, Speed.Unit>

A quantity describing speed. (For example, 10 kilometers per hour.)

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A quantity describing temperature. (For example, 21 degrees Celsius.)

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A quantity describing voltage. (For example, 10 volts.)

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A quantity describing weight. (For example, 10 kilograms.)