Package-level declarations


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Returns the boolean value that the given attrRes refers to.

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Returns the color array value that the given attrRes refers to.

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Returns the color value that the given attrRes refers to.

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Returns a pixel representation of the dimen value that the given attrRes refers to.

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Returns a drawable that the given attrRes refers to.

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Returns the float value that the given attrRes refers to.

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Returns the font that the given attrRes refers to.

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Returns the integer value that the given attrRes refers to.

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Return a resolved resource id that the given attrRes refers to.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the string array that the given attrRes refers to.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the string that the given attrRes refers to.

Link copied to clipboard
fun Context.readTextAsset(assetFilePath: String): String

Returns the string contents of an Android text asset based on the given assetFilePath.

Link copied to clipboard
fun <R> Context.useObtainedStyledAttributesByAttr(@AttrRes attrRes: Int, attrs: IntArray, useBlock: (TypedArray) -> R): R

Obtains a TypedArray holding the values defined by attrRes which are listed in attrs and calls the useBlock with this array. Note: The obtained TypedArray is automatically recycled.