Package-level declarations


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data class CallDetails(val title: StringResolver, val state: StringResolver, val description: StringResolver?, val image: ImageDescriptor?, val isDtmfSupported: Boolean, val shouldOpenFrontendOnContactTap: Boolean)

Class that holds information about the visual representation of a call.

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typealias CallDetailsPolicy = (call: Call?, contact: Contact?) -> CallDetails

Policy that configures the visual representation of a call.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
abstract class CallMainProcessPanelBase(val communicationsFrontendContext: CommunicationsFrontendContext, priority: MainProcessPanel.Priority = Priority.HIGH) : MainProcessPanel

The calls panel is the MainProcessPanel made to always have phone calls controls at hand, even when the communications frontend is not open.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class CommunicationsFrontendConfiguration(accountIdToDetailsPolicy: Map<String, CallDetailsPolicy>)

Configures the behavior of the communications frontend by providing a policy that defines the behaviour for a specific phone account ID.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class CommunicationsFrontendContext(val frontendContext: FrontendContext, services: CommunicationsFrontendServices, val communicationsStaticConfiguration: CommunicationsStaticConfiguration, val dismissAllPanels: () -> Unit, val openRecentCallsTab: () -> Unit, val openContactsTab: () -> Unit, val openDialPad: () -> Unit, val configuration: CommunicationsFrontendConfiguration)

Entry point for communication related panels to communicate with their frontend and the rest of the system. Should be created by the Frontend.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class CommunicationsFrontendServices(val bluetoothConnectivityService: BluetoothConnectivityServiceApi, val contactsService: ContactsServiceApi, val contactsSettingsService: ContactsSettingsServiceApi, val recentCallsService: RecentCallsServiceApi, val telecomService: TelecomServiceApi)

Contains references to the service apis based on the corresponding IVI service interface, for ease of access across the communications frontend domain.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class CommunicationsPolicyFrontendExtension(val phoneAccountId: String, val callDetailsPolicy: CallDetailsPolicy) : FrontendExtension

Frontend extension for the communications frontend that configures the frontend to use callDetailsPolicy when visualizing a call with phoneAccountId.

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