Package-level declarations


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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class IviThemeCategory(val id: String, val label: StringResolver) : Parcelable

The IviThemeCategory describes which aspect of a theme a IviThemeComponent applies to. For example, a theme component may have a IviThemeCategory indicating that the component themes font attributes.

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Interface for enum types where each enum value denotes a styling flavor of an IviThemeCategory.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
sealed class IviThemeComponent : Parcelable

Contains all the information related to theming an IviThemeCategory.

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An overview of IviThemeCategorys provided by the platform. In order to use the platform, each IviThemeCategory needs to be registered at least once by the theming service.


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Styling of animations.

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Styling of colors.

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Styling of durations.

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Styling of fonts.

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Styling of the icon sizes.

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Styling of icons.

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Styling of radii.

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Styling of responsive horizontal spacing.

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Styling of responsive vertical spacing.

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Styling of sizes.

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Styling of spaces.

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Styling of styles.

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Styling of text appearances.

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Styling of text sizes.

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Contains the overview of the default IviThemeComponents configuration. This overview creates a bridge between the discoverable theme components service. Here we create the IviThemeComponent with the corresponding identifier. And the theming service where we collect all the IviThemeComponent from the various discoverable services. In this case we need to create an initial theme that consists of the IviThemeComponents. An IviThemeComponent is considered as the default component if its matches the value of the corresponding entry in themeComponentsPresetIds.


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Creates IviThemeComponents for theming the IviThemeCategory receiver instance. An IviThemeComponent is created for each styling flavor defined by the enum type SF.

Creates IviThemeComponents for theming the IviThemeCategory receiver instance. An IviThemeComponent is created for each styling flavor in stylingFlavors.