Package-level declarations

Contains view models of frontends.


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Composes multiple ViewModelProvider.Factorys. When create is called to create a view model it will try each factory in factories until it finds a factory which can create the requested view model.

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Factory used to create view models upon re-creation of the fragment. The parameters should reflect the primary constructor of the ViewModel being recreated.

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abstract class FrontendAndroidViewModel<P : AnyPanel>(panel: P, application: Application) : FrontendViewModel<P>

A combination of FrontendViewModel and AndroidViewModel. Should only be used when the Application instance is really required. This should be rare however, as ViewModels should not normally rely on a context. Instead, the layout should resolve raw information from the ViewModel using its own context.

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abstract class FrontendViewModel<P : AnyPanel>(panel: P) : LifecycleViewModel, PanelProvider<P>

A ViewModel that references the panel that hosts this ViewModel.

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class ViewModelConstructorNotFoundException(viewModelClass: Class<*>, args: Array<out Any>, throwable: Throwable) : RuntimeException

Thrown when an application tries to create an instance of ViewModel class, but the specified class does not have the required constructor.

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Class to be used as a delegate to a ViewModel which can be stored and retrieved in a ViewModelStore.

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class ViewModelInstantiationException(viewModelClass: Class<*>, throwable: Throwable) : RuntimeException

Thrown when an application tries to create an instance of ViewModel class, but the specified class object cannot be instantiated. The instantiation can fail for a variety of reasons including but not limited to:

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This can be used to store a property of a fragment in a ViewModelStore. The property will be encapsulated in a ViewModel and stored, so that it can be retrieved upon re-creation of a fragment.

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Object containing methods to simplify the interaction with the ViewModelProvider.