Package-level declarations


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@IviExperimental(message = "The appstore app suite is currently experimental and this API may change in the future without providing backward compatibility.", reasons = [])
interface App : Parcelable

An interface used to represent an app which can be launched from within the app launcher frontend.

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data class AppStore(val app: App, val brandName: StringResolver) : Parcelable

A class representing an app store.

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data class AppStoreInfo(val displayName: StringResolver, val packageName: String?) : Parcelable

Information about a third party app store APK.

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@IviExperimental(message = "The appstore app suite is currently experimental and this API may change in the future without providing backward compatibility.", reasons = [])
data class ParcelableAppClass(val value: Class<out App>) : Parcelable

A Parcelable wrapper for the App class, suitable for Binder transactions.