
Task panel sub-container view model.

The task panel sub-container can be used to visualize a task panel stack and an optional task progress panel.

When the user presses the back button, the top task panel is dismissed.


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True if this sub-container has a task process panel.

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Task process panel fragment container ID.

Inherited properties

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Observers are notified of any changes to properties that use a property delegate created with mutableExtraState.

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true if the sub-container is in transition. A sub-container is in transition while it is entering or exiting the system UI.

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The exiting state of the panel sub-container. true if the sub-container is exiting or has left the panel container. Same value can also be obtained from isExiting.

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The data provided to the panel sub-container as LiveData. The LiveData is not updated any longer when the exit animation of the panel sub-container starts. This to prevent visual artifacts during the exit animation.

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ID of the panel stack fragment container.

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The data set to the panel sub-container.

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The lifecycle state of the panel sub-container. This is controlled by the PanelContainerControllerAdapter.

Inherited functions

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The exiting state of the panel sub-container. true if the sub-container is exiting or has left the panel container. Same value can also be obtained from liveIsExiting.